Tokenomics — One Pager
The heart of Ethics as a Service (EaaS)

For the complete white paper, click here: Tokenomics White Paper
Decentralized finance is having a seismic global impact on businesses. Recent attempts at harnessing the rapidly increasing revenue from traditional architectural components such as federated identity or consent management have been problematic and typically have been abandoned. Most critics agree that this new phenomenon is rife with the potential for corruption, and lack of trust has slowed or even thwarted adoption at scale. Yet, it threatens to upend traditional markets and previous corporate leaders.
Tokenomics is emerging with the most gravitational cohesion, drawing world-class vendors from different disciplines because it offers at its core an approach to managed service architecture called Ethics as a Service (EaaS). Through the magic of the gears working together, provides adopters with features, benefits, use cases and revenue opportunities that they did not have before.
How does this help approach the whole world of Data Brokerage? There are many different ways to play a role:
· Companies can have their own service (coin), or not
· They can participate in loyalty programs by brokering data
· Sponsoring a cash app such as a wallet
· You can have an ethics policy
All of these, and more, become immediately viable with Tokenomics and EaaS, as they tie them all together with a transparent trust framework with all forms of coin at the heart. Coins of various types operate independent of identity and how they represent merchants and people and how those two come together.
Tokenomics brings higher customer engagement and enables an ecosystem to ethically trade data for “points” for either the business, the customer, or both.
EaaS Consent takes a righteous stand on data ethics and positioning ethical data monetization, which has not previous existed at scale. The points or value of consent is represented in this DAO NFT paper. DAO NFT are a special kind of coins minted by the platform when A) customers declare their consent elections, or B) when companies license their affirmative express consent. This is all managed by Authorized Agents certified by the platform to provide greater trust as consumer advocates and driven by a central architectural component known as the Consent Name Service (or CNS).
Coins can also be adopted by affiliates of the platform and enroll through that coin digital relationships and transactions. This now provides something they can provide back to subscribers, or members of the platform, who can then enroll in distribution of the points, or exchange of currency with different resale partners or other types of partners that the affiliate already has.
This then naturally brings the ability to broker these values with the advent of consent as well as Federated Identity that can supercharge the member’s identity to provide a nicely packaged transaction and automatic enrollment into partners.
All of this culminates in an extreme member-focus and provides them with unparalleled experiences with cash incentives, NPS-generating benefits, high engagement, extensible membership, tiered reward services, points gamification, 1:1 marketing/dialog, and more.
The EaaS platform, already in development with some components already in production and onboarding affiliates now, is a cloud-based managed service platform that uses DE-FI technology to monetize subscriptions and participate in the new token economy, or Tokenomics.
This platform consists of seven areas of discipline, and while they each already exist to some degree in many different forms, EaaS requires an API normalization and adoption so that ethics can be seamlessly integrated throughout. The underlying goal is that many existing vendors can quickly onboard their own tech for a growing list of adopters, making for a thriving ecosystem.
The seven areas of discipline and their early providers are:
· Data Brokerage and Transaction Managed Service (SaaS): Dojo Partners, GSMA
· Operator Cloud: Azure, GCP, and AWS
· Secure Authentication: ForgeRock, Private Identity
· Consent: Privacy Co-op
· Distributed Ledger (Hashgraph/Blockchain): Hedera
· Digital Wallet: Mastercard, Greenfence Consumer
· Container Ethics API: Pryv
Existing functionality
Configurable Identity and Access Management that supports session-based consent and supporting tokenization of DAO NFT as well as the ability to transactionally store nonrepudiation data in the cloud as well as on the distributed ledger.
Effortless registration flow for new members logging into affiliates for the first time.
Automated scoring of privacy policies, and automated ability to support opt-out notifications, as well as interfaces to access and leverage affirmative express consent (opt-in).
The CNS that resolves requests for combinations of data uses for any list of subjects in any combination of jurisdictions, and that can be used either transactionally or operationally even by Big Data requests.
Functionality to support establishing affiliate treasuries and subsequent minting of various forms of coin, supported by smart contracts for managing exchange rates with partners.
Wallet technology and standards to convert existing apps used for collecting payments into apps that can receive and manage loyalty bucks.